Research project 5G-MOBiS
The 5th generation of mobile communications promises higher data rates, high availability and, at the same time, high energy efficiency – which opens up a multitude of new fields of application. 5G-MOBiS (5G Mobility Innovations Salzburg) is a research project based on the Science and Innovation Strategy Salzburg 2025 and funded by ITG Salzburg, which investigates how 5G data can be used for traffic control and spatial and mobility planning. We as Invenium, together with our project partners ANDATA and the Research Studio iSPACE of RSA FG, are laying a foundation stone in researching the potential and added value of 5G data.
What are the project’s goals?
The spatiotemporal added value of 5G data is to be elaborated by more precise spatial allocation, optimized temporal provision and fast transmission of large data volumes in traffic situation detection and traffic planning. For this purpose, 5G data, sensor data and statistical data are processed and harmonized – the data were collected with test devices and also simulated based on anonymized 4G data. In addition, a conceptual data requirements catalog will be created for which the detailed open structures will be specified in the course of 5G-MOBiS in order to be able to use them in the best possible way for projects of future-oriented mobility. In use cases, innovative methods will be used to test and analyze the application of these data in predictive and adaptive traffic and vehicle control, as well as their usability in traffic automation, which will be important in the future. Furthermore, the collected and processed data will be used for the implementation and evaluation of new approaches in traffic and spatial planning.
Evaluation and implementation in the Regional Lab Hallein
The developed applications will be prototyped in a spatially limited Regional Lab in Hallein. For this purpose, a “Regional Data Lab” will be created to collect data with test equipment and to implement and evaluate the methods to be developed. This will build on existing infrastructure from previous projects such as Connecting Austria and COPE.
New impulses for the Salzburg location
The research projects planned in the 5G-MOBiS project and their application are based on current strategy papers such as WISS2025, the 5G strategy of the Austrian federal government, or the RTI strategy Mobility and drive them forward in an innovative way themselves. The project also aims to build on research strengths in integrated data literacy, digital mobility and traffic control. In addition, innovative methods of geoinformatics as well as models for pattern recognition, spatial analytics and artificial intelligence are to be further developed. In addition to promoting technological developments in Salzburg and strengthening the location, Salzburg will also potentially gain access to new technologies to further advance innovative and novel traffic sensing solutions for improved planning and control of mobility and traffic flows in the region.