BÖTM-Top-Seminar 2023
Knowledge exchange, future collaborations for sustainable destination development and the use of data were central topics at this year’s BÖTM-Top-Seminar in Gosau. We also provided new insights into the further developments of our Mobility Insights platform.
More than 150 participants from the tourism industry gathered at the BÖTM-Top-Seminar in Gosau in the Dachstein Salzkammergut tourism region from October 4 to 6, 2023 and addressed the issues that will occupy the tourism industry in the coming years. Invenium was also represented by Mario Mayerthaler and Fabio Jarz.
With our data-driven solutions based on anonymized mobile phone data, we are already helping a large number of Austrian tourism areas to better track visitor flows in their region. Which is of enormous importance for questions of visitor guidance, for arrival and departure behavior and for the mobility of guests on site.
Our CEO Mario Mayerthaler presented the solutions for the questions of tourism by means of the analysis of mobile phone data. The presentation focused on the further developments of our Mobility Insights platform.
Insights were provided on the capabilities and setup of Near-Reatime analytics, one of the future extensions of the Location Insights Dashboard.
With the release of Near-Realtime, a continuous stream of data with only a few minutes delay will be made accessible, which will enable a new precession of visitor flow management.
The enhanced dashboard is divided into two views, “Since Beginning” and “Current”, through a newly implemented switch, allowing a continuous overview of what is happening throughout the day or just in the last few minutes.
The brand new development status was presented by a first product video of the dashboard – the finalized release of the tool is expected in Q1 2024.
In addition, research is currently underway to define standardized reports for tourism regions and mobility KPIs within the framework of ESG reporting (Environment, Social and Governance). Through the mobile phone-based analyses of transit traffic, mobility of guests and residents, calculation of the modal split etc. the capability is being developed to create CO2 footprints of communities and tourism regions and to further evaluate the resulting measures for their effectiveness.
Lastly, an update was given on the planned development of our Long-Term Feature. The further development of the dashboard is currently in the test stage and will in the future make it possible to understand guests in the tourism regions even better, to recognize return guests in a region over a longer period of time and to better differentiate between overnight guests and locals in the area.