ClimatePartner-certified: Climate action at Invenium

ClimatePartner-certified: Climate action at Invenium

ClimatePartner-certified: Climate action at Invenium

Last year, we focused intensively on how we can make our processes even more sustainable.

Together with ClimatePartner, we have worked on making our day-to-day work even more environmentally friendly.
Thanks to the step-by-step guide, cooperation with experts and a great deal of commitment, we have managed to integrate more climate action at Invenium.


Emissions sources are calculated to determine where and to what extent emissions are generated in the company. This involves both the product itself and the emissions generated in everyday working life, during business trips and when employees travel to the office. The new insights gained allow us to identify potential areas where even more emissions can be saved.

We have therefore set ourselves the target of saving 3 tons of CO2 in the areas of business travel and employee commuting by the end of the year.

Precise implementation measures are being planned to ensure that the defined targets do not come to nothing again.

We pay particular attention to energy-efficient measures to reduce emissions in everyday office life. We rely on the use of energy-efficient work equipment, LED lighting and purchase 100% green electricity. We are also aiming to obtain heat from renewable energy sources by 2025.

As not all emissions can be completely avoided, we financially support a certified climate protection project in Chile and promote tree planting in Austria in order to continue to create sustainability.

In order to be able to assess the company’s actual commitment, developments and defined measures can be viewed at any time. We are also certified as a “ClimatePartner” and are continuously monitored by the experts.

With the step-by-step guide, cooperation with ClimatePartner and a great deal of commitment, we have managed to integrate more climate protection into our everyday office life and processes over the past year.

A journey that continues!

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